Having an understanding of numbers and how they can be represented is fundamental to mathematical development. As a set, these five beautiful wooden trays show clearly how numbers increase in size. Use them with counters to explore what number bonds can be created on a single tray. Combine trays to explore how numbers relate to each other and can be presented as arrays. Largest tray size: 380 x 80 x 20mm. Smallest tray size: 75 x 80 x 20mm. Made from responsibly sourced beech wood. Age 2+.
Reasons to Love:
• These hand-carved wooden trays are geared towards helping children understand how numbers (1-5) can be represented in different ways.
• Counters, stones, disks can be used with this resource to highlight number bonds allowing children to explore how numbers can be built up or deconstructed in different ways.
• Use to show children how numbers can increase/decrease in size depending on their numerical value, whilst also encouraging children to math quantitates with these values.
• An adaptable resource - use higher up in the school by exchanging individual counters representing one with place value counters ranging in value from 1 – 1000.
• Simple, effective tool in presenting numbers as arrays and thus promoting understanding of early multiplication/division.